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The benefits of playing at home

Playing at Home: The Benefits for Children in a Blended Family

Playing in a blended family can sometimes be a challenge. The dynamics between children of different ages and backgrounds can lead to diverse play styles and preferences. It can sometimes be difficult for parents to find the right balance. Yet playing in their own familiar environment often offers some unique advantages for children.

  • Own familiar environment: Playing at home means that children are in their own familiar environment. This can give them a sense of comfort and security, which is important, especially in a blended family. They know their own places and feel comfortable there.

  • Take Control: Playing at home allows children to take control of their playtime. They can choose what they want to do, when they want to do it. This gives them a sense of autonomy and can strengthen their self-confidence.

  • Doing their own things: Sometimes children just need some 'own' time. They can achieve this more easily at home. Whether it's playing their favorite game, reading a book or just daydreaming, they have that space at home.

  • Don't Always Have to Play Together: In a blended family there can be a mix of ages and interests. At home, children can choose whether they play together or work individually. This element of flexibility can positively impact their social skills and relationships with siblings.

  • Deciding When to Relax or Retreat: At home, children can decide for themselves when to take a break or retreat. This helps them develop self-regulation skills and stress management.

  • Some "Me-Time": Everyone needs some "me-time" every now and then, and playing at home gives children the opportunity to integrate this naturally into their day. Whether it concerns a moment of reflection or being creative, it helps them to get to know themselves better.

In a blended family it is important to find a balance between playing together and individual playtime. Playing at home gives children the flexibility and freedom to grow and learn at their own pace, which is essential for their development. Creating a positive play environment in the home can help promote harmony and build strong bonds between all family members.

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